1/24/2011 - JF Day 1 - 150.2 lbs

"Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way." - Dr. Seuss

Another birthday. Another juicefeast. I am 47 now, and ready to definitely switch things up - in a huge way! So exhausted from being sick, or feeling sick, and kind of half-assed doing this raw/juice thing. Besides, I feel extreme coming on, and I want to be prepared! Spent hours Sunday night going through notes, and trying to come up with some intense plan to keep myself occupied, and to hopefully have the added benefit of coming out feeling a lot better, and maybe motivating some folks along the way.

I am not sorry to see 2010 end at all, and although I've learned a huge amount this year about myself, I still feel polluted from all of it - and ready to purge in a huge way. So the plan is a 100-day JF, coupled with massive exercise, and meditation. The Superhuman Experiment.

I meant to start this last March, and life happened, so didn't. And while I know that life continues to plug away, and it is freezing outside, I don't want to miss an opportunity when an opportunity presents itself. My entire life just changed again, and as far as I can tell, there is never a better time for extremes than when life changes itself anyway! So the plan is to try and get myself as cleaned out and pumped up as possible to become as clear a vessel as I can be for God to pour through - hence the name, "The Superhuman Experiment."

I figure this cleansing has to happen on all levels, or on all bodies, at once, to be the most effective, so the focus is spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional - no easy task. And a challenge that I backed away from almost a year ago now.

For the spiritual - Meditation 2 1/2 - 4 hours per day (or more)
Physical - Juicefeast, major exercise, water, supplements
Mental - To fight the mind creatively, I intend to supplement loads of books that I've put off reading for a while, as well as art, music, and writing.
Emotional - Major forgiveness work from books that I have, eCircle with my Women's Group, therapy

So this is the plan. I've had a good start.


2 cups coffee
1 cup chai tea/yerba mate tea w/stevia
1 quart water
2 cups green juice - spinach, chard, romaine, bok choy, beet greens, pasley, anise, garlic, ginger, celery, cucumber, carrots, apples, brocco sprouts

Chlorella tablets, spirulina tablets, bee pollen

16 oz GT's Raw Organic Kombucha - Multi-Green

2 cups water


1 Rainbow Light Super C (1000 mg)

2 Emergent Health Vita-Stim

1 Natural Factors Ultimate Probiotic Women's Formula

1 Natural Factors MSM & Glucosamine Sulfate

1 Christopher's Original Formulas Kelp

2 Garden of Life Raw Enzyme

2 Whole Foods Vitamin D3 (1000 IU)

1 MegaFood Women's Daily

1 Natural Factors Unbleached Lecithin (1200 mg)

1 Country Life Magnesium Potassium Aspartate

1 Whole Foods B Daily Essentials


1 hour Rodney Yee's Power Yoga


4 1/2 hours


Wrote for an hour in my journal, sorted unread books by categories to start reading

"And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!" - Dr. Suess

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